Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine services offered Nationwide

Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that focuses on addressing the root causes of illness and disease, rather than just treating symptoms. It is an integrative and patient-centered approach that takes into account the complex web of interactions within the body and how these interactions relate to a person’s genetics, environment, and lifestyle. The key principles and practices of functional medicine include:

Holistic Approach: Functional medicine considers the whole person, recognizing that each individual is unique, and that their health and well-being are influenced by a combination of factors, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, and psychological well-being.

Personalized Care: Practitioners of functional medicine aim to understand each patient’s unique medical history, genetics, and lifestyle factors to create a personalized treatment plan. This often involves extensive patient interviews and detailed medical histories.

Root Cause Analysis: Instead of just managing or suppressing symptoms, functional medicine seeks to identify and address the underlying causes of illness. Practitioners use a systems biology approach to explore the interconnectedness of various body systems and how they contribute to health problems.

Integrative Medicine: Functional medicine often integrates both conventional and complementary therapies. It may involve various healthcare professionals, such as medical doctors, nutritionists, naturopathic doctors, and other practitioners, to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to treatment.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Focus: Nutrition plays a central role in functional medicine, and practitioners often emphasize the importance of a balanced and personalized diet. Lifestyle factors such as exercise, sleep, stress management, and environmental exposures are also considered in the treatment plan.

Preventive Medicine: Functional medicine places a strong emphasis on preventing health issues before they develop. By identifying risk factors and addressing them early, patients can work toward maintaining long-term health and well-being.

Patient-Centered Care: Patients are actively involved in their own healthcare decisions and are encouraged to take responsibility for their well-being. Practitioners often spend more time with patients to educate and empower them to make informed choices.

Advanced Testing: Functional medicine often uses advanced diagnostic testing to gain a deeper understanding of a patient’s health. These tests may include genetic testing, hormonal assessments, food sensitivity tests, and more.

Collaboration: Functional medicine practitioners may collaborate with other healthcare providers, specialists, and therapists to ensure a well-rounded and integrated approach to patient care.

Continuous Monitoring: Patients often undergo ongoing assessments to track progress and make necessary adjustments to their treatment plans.

What is Functional Medicine?

Q: What is the practice of functional medicine? A: Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that focuses on addressing the root causes of illness and disease, rather than just treating symptoms.


Q: How does functional medicine differ from conventional medicine? A: Functional medicine takes a more holistic and personalized approach, considering the unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors of each patient.


Q: What is the primary goal of functional medicine? A: The primary goal of functional medicine is to identify and address the underlying causes of health issues rather than merely managing symptoms.


Q: How does functional medicine approach treatment planning? A: It creates personalized treatment plans based on extensive patient interviews, medical histories, and advanced diagnostic testing.


Q: What role does nutrition play in functional medicine? A: Nutrition is central to functional medicine, and practitioners often emphasize the importance of a balanced and personalized diet.


Q: How does functional medicine view preventive care? A: It places a strong emphasis on preventing health issues by identifying risk factors and addressing them early.


Q: How is the patient involved in their healthcare in functional medicine? A: Patients are actively involved in their healthcare decisions and are encouraged to take responsibility for their well-being.


Q: What types of healthcare providers may be involved in functional medicine? A: It often involves various healthcare professionals, including medical doctors, nutritionists, naturopathic doctors, and other practitioners, working together for comprehensive care.


Q: What are some criticisms of functional medicine? A: Critics argue that it may lack a strong evidence base for some practices, and its personalized and integrative nature can make it more time-consuming and expensive.


Q: How can someone interested in functional medicine find a qualified practitioner? A: It's essential to consult with a practitioner who has appropriate credentials and experience in functional medicine to ensure the best care.

Upon scheduling an appointment, one of our mobile licensed medical professionals will come to your home.  They will begin your first medical assessment and then determine your best treatment protocol.

What makes Medicine Man Inc different in the IV therapy business, is that the onsite medical professional will  contact a Licensed Clinician for a Telemedicine visit.  You will be seen by a Doctor, a Nurse Practitioner, or a Physician Assistant (based on State Requirements) and be able to ask questions about your medical care.   The Telemedicine evaluation will occur with your first IV therapy visit and after this your protocoled or standing order treatment can occur.

What this does it allows our mobile licensed medical professionals to care for you under the full oversight of our Licensed Clinicians.  It is VERY important to consult with a Licensed Clinician before starting any new treatment.  It is important to note that not all treatments or patients may be suitable for home infusion therapy. The decision to pursue IV therapy at home should be made in consultation with healthcare professionals who can assess your individual needs and determine the appropriateness and safety of home-based treatment.

At any time, if you need a telemedicine visit in the future, you can do with or without an IV.  Please see the fee basis for telemedicine visits. 

Your IV therapy fees will be provided by a menu with the licensed medical professional who sees you.  The prices are very competitive. 

If care at your location is not the desired process, we can accommodate  you with appointments at our office address: 9700 N 91st St, Suite A115, Scottsdale, AZ 85258.  Please call or click book online to schedule.

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